Thursday, July 10, 2008

Vitamin Water...Really?

Like the rest of the U.S. I have jumped on the bottled water bandwagon. I LOVE the water that comes from the tap at my house, but when on-the-go, I definitely buy water.

Not long ago I discovered Vitamin Water. This stuff, especially the XXX variety, is great!

I do wonder if I am actually getting anything beyond colored, flavored water. According to Wikipedia:

VitaminWater consists of vapor distilled, deionized, and/or reverse osmosis water; crystalline fructose (derived from corn syrup) as a sweetener; citric acid; electrolytes; natural flavors; and vitamins, including Vitamin C, B3, B5, B6, B12, and E. Other ingredients are added according to the flavor and intended purpose of the drink. It is not a low-sugar drink, with a sugar content is comparable to other sweetened soft drinks.

WOW. I so was not expecting that. WTH is reverse osmosis water?

Anyway, even thought Vitamin Water is not pure goodness in a bottle, I like it and it is refreshing to drink. It has to be a LITTLE bit better for a person than the HFCS in most soft drinks. It has to be.

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