Tuesday, July 01, 2008

They have better lives than I do!!

My kids are all wonderful. I love them and I love that they are successful at everything they do.

But, this week I am feeling the financial strain of their activities.

Jacob tried out for and made the Babe Ruth All Star team. This is fabulous!

Except for the fact that the practices are every day. In Myrtle Creek. That is over 80 miles round trip. Tonight I calculated that it is costing me about 20 cents a mile to drive the car anywhere, so it costs me about $16 just for practice each day!!!

Also, tonight I was informed that the uniforms will cost $60 ASAP and that the arrangements for hotel rooms at the state tournament will need to be paid for ASAP, and all of the other expenses that come along with traveling.

I'm losing my mined as I am emptying out my pocket book!!

Then there is Hayley. She tried out for and made a classic soccer team.

Great. $295 just to play. $65 for a basic uniform $65 more for sweats and a backpack. She also needs a new ball, cleats, shinguards.... AND she is required to attend a camp in 2 weeks that will cost $140.

YIKES! When will it end.

I realize that these are optional choices and we could opt out of them and the expenses, but these are things that I really want my kids to be able to do. I want to be able to provide these opportunities for them. I am just not sure how to fund them.....

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