Monday, January 19, 2009

Dating, ugh

I went on a date last night.

It was with a 40-year old guy who manages a more decent restaurant in Roseburg. (not fast food)

I don't think I am wanting too much from a person? They have to be intelligent and tall. And eventually they have to be a good kisser. I am even negotiable on the tallness and will forgive some intelligence.

This guy struck out completely.

He wasn't tall enough. Only about 5' 11", so if I wear heels, I am taller. But that didn't rule him out right off the bat.

He wasn't that smart. He did tell me he got his GED rather than diploma, which wouldn't automatically disqualify him either. But, he couldn't keep up! I have a dry, witty sense of humor and he really didn't get it. Or he got it waaay too late.

I learned a lot about him, his life, his kids, his divorce....

but I'm not sure I got to say a whole lot.

AND THEN he kissed me! eeeeeeeeew....

NOT a good kisser at all.

So, back to the damn drawing board.

I hate dating. I hate dating strangers.

But, even more than I hate dating, I hate being single...

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