Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Something you want,

something you need,

something to wear,

something to read...

This is the little Christmas rhyme that is supposed to help keep the focus of the holiday OFF the presents.

It is supposed to simplify my shopping.

It is supposed to give me guidelines so I don't feel like I have to go completely overboard and pile the Christmas tree with commercialism.

Why do I feel guilty if I stick to the list?

Why do I feel like my kids will be disappointed on Christmas morning if I do not overwhelm them with everything their heart desires?

I swear parenting is hard! And it is not even the daily visible things that are the hardest, it is the internal struggles that you go through everyday in the process of trying to raise creatures that are lovely and worthwhile.

Or maybe I just overthink it...?


Unknown said...

I feel the same way. I don't think you overthink it at all......or else I do too. :)

Kandi said...

I'm having a really hard time with Christmas this year. My kids have way too much to start with.

I just finished reading Tari (Dahlen)'s blog post about how they handle Christmas with their large family and I wish I had started with some of the traditions they have. It really would make Christmas so much more enjoyable to me.

Is it too late to start?