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This One
- Asked her 13 year old brother today if he was gonna get married when it is snowing outside. Cuz she is.
- Is getting 2 new frogs for her aquarium tomorrow. Their names are Lily and Tad.
- Is SO excited about school. Only 8 more sleeps!
- Her voice has changed a bit because she has so many teeth missing right now. Three (!) in the front and one more loose on the bottom!
- Is starting to sound out words and figure out what signs say.
- STILL won't wear underwear.
- This is going to be a problem in about 8 days when school starts.
- Can already dribble a soccer ball better than her brother.
- Named her butt cheeks, Fluffy and Puffy. Her tummy is Muffy.
- Wants to work at Sonic before she has kids and as a teacher after she has kids.
- Wants to have 3 kids and drive a truck.
- Her favorite colors are blue, and white and red.
- Her best friend is Jimmy. He LOVES Ruby and she loves him too. Only she loves him like a brother. Poor Jimmy.
- She has several boyfriends, most of which are her brother's age.
- Her brother's friends (her boyfriends) usually tell Jacob to tell her to put some clothes on when they are over. We have a problem keeping clothes on this kid.
- The new rule at the swimming hole is that swimsuits must be worn at all times. No skinny dipping Ruby!
- Never had or needed a spanking, point your finger at her and she cowers.
- Her favorite song is Rascal Flatts "Me and My Gang" She likes the "It's a brother and a sister kind of thing" part. (Cuz she has a brother and a sister)
- She likes the music in the car so loud that she can't hear herself, or anyone else, sing. And she likes to listen to Sugarland's "Stay" over and over and over. She sings it at the top of her lungs.
- Is my baby and is growing so fast that she really isn't a baby anymore.
I didn't realize that Ruby and Jaxon are the same age. She must be starting Kindergarten? She's such a cutie! I bet if she and Jaxon met, he'd say she was his girlfriend. He gets embarrased if I ask him if he's got a girlfriend, but you can tell he likes it. :)
Great post!
Great post Tracy!
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