Saturday, January 10, 2009

Catching up, boring style

  • We go a $50 gift card to Target for Christmas. There isn't a Target within 75 miles of here and I would rather not use it online. Isn't there someplace that I can trade it for another store card?
  • Washer froze during the cold weather INSIDE the washer and is still not fixed. had to order parts online and I chose a schmuck company
  • Dryer is also broken. My fault. i tried to dry a load that was waaay too wet and burned something in the control panel. See above for my lament about parts.
  • The laundry mat sucks.
  • Only 8 more school days until the end of the semester. NOW is when many of the kids I work with are finally interested in getting their grades above an "F". Sorry buds, I think you are SOL... Should have started this process at least 5 weeks ago!
  • Hayley has been dramatically sick. From puking at school to offering spectacular sound effects here at home. She is finally feeling better.
  • I live the dullest life on the face of the earth.
  • can't think of anything else.


Karen said...

sorry to see your washer and dryer aren't fixed yet! it's been too long! hoping the schmuck company get their act together!

Anonymous said...

re: Target card. could find anything online that you need andnuse it that way?
Or, i have a $50 gift card to Macy's that I'll trade you for the Target card (seriously!)... do you have a Macy's that's closer?