Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The best week of the year!

Our sad little tree. It is a beautiful noble fir whose branches cannot handle the weight of our ornaments. Poor droopy tree!

The week between Christmas and New Year's is my favorite of the whole year. All of the Christmas pressure is off, but the good feelings of the season are still hanging around. My house is clean-ish and there are plenty of yummy leftovers to eat. We are planning a small party for New Year's Eve, nothing really special, just good friends, good food and hopefully a good time!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


This is a picture of the first day of school, 2009. Jacob is a freshman, Hayley is a 7th grader and Ruby is a 1st grader.

Three kids, 3 schools. They have much better lives than I do and keeping up with their schedules is kicking me in the pants!

I started a new job with Douglas County Mental Health on July 6. It was supposed to be a 25-30 hour position with LOTS of flexibility so that I could manage being a full-time Mom and working too. Somehow the job has changed and improved (?) to be a full-time 40 hours a week benefited position. I really has turned into a career and not just a job. That is a very good thing and I love it!

Somehow I am still managing to be the Mom I want to be for the kids. I do not, however, have the time I need to do a lot of other things. Like laundry and cleaning the refrigerator and yard upkeep. I am definitely hiring a housekeeper to come in every 2 weeks. (The downside to that is that I have to have clutter cleared so that it will be effective. Another task to complete!)

Right now, the week between Christmas and New Year's is my favorite. All of the Holiday pressure is off, the house is clean-ish and there are plenty of leftovers to eat. All that is required is to enjoy family and friends and the feelings of goodwill that this time of year brings. Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Political Statement

My name is Tracy and I am a conservative (mostly).

I did not vote for Mr. Obama. He is my President today and I will support him and I will pray for him and our country.

I will applaud him when he does well and I will speak up when he does not (both my opinion).

I am not wearing black today in protest, and I am proud to be here at this point in history.

I will not compare him to JFK or MLK Jr or anyone else, this is short changing him, he has the potential to be better or worse than either of these men, I am going to judge him on his actions alone.

I am going to champion democracy and discourage socialism.

I will do my best to be what an American should be.

And I will continue to vote.

I will believe in the rights of individuals and the rights of states and continue to believe that the federal government is growing uncontrollably under every administration.

I believe that all people over the age of 18 should be able to marry whom they choose.

I don't believe in abortion, but I do believe that I can't control your body- your body, your decision.

Sharia law scares the h*ll out of me.

Have a great day today and let's be happy for all that we have in this country, there are worse things than the other party winning any election.

Good luck Mr Obama and thank you for your service Mr Bush, may you both be blessed.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dating, ugh

I went on a date last night.

It was with a 40-year old guy who manages a more decent restaurant in Roseburg. (not fast food)

I don't think I am wanting too much from a person? They have to be intelligent and tall. And eventually they have to be a good kisser. I am even negotiable on the tallness and will forgive some intelligence.

This guy struck out completely.

He wasn't tall enough. Only about 5' 11", so if I wear heels, I am taller. But that didn't rule him out right off the bat.

He wasn't that smart. He did tell me he got his GED rather than diploma, which wouldn't automatically disqualify him either. But, he couldn't keep up! I have a dry, witty sense of humor and he really didn't get it. Or he got it waaay too late.

I learned a lot about him, his life, his kids, his divorce....

but I'm not sure I got to say a whole lot.

AND THEN he kissed me! eeeeeeeeew....

NOT a good kisser at all.

So, back to the damn drawing board.

I hate dating. I hate dating strangers.

But, even more than I hate dating, I hate being single...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Things I want/Things I'm saving for


New Furniture Still debating the merits of fabric vs. leather. Any suggestions?

iPod Touch (This is a refurbished one) This is a GREAT Costco.com deal! Franco Sarto Loafers (these are musts) Brighton Purse TAG Heuer Pink Diamond Watch (this one's never gonna happen)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Catching up, boring style

  • We go a $50 gift card to Target for Christmas. There isn't a Target within 75 miles of here and I would rather not use it online. Isn't there someplace that I can trade it for another store card?
  • Washer froze during the cold weather INSIDE the washer and is still not fixed. had to order parts online and I chose a schmuck company
  • Dryer is also broken. My fault. i tried to dry a load that was waaay too wet and burned something in the control panel. See above for my lament about parts.
  • The laundry mat sucks.
  • Only 8 more school days until the end of the semester. NOW is when many of the kids I work with are finally interested in getting their grades above an "F". Sorry buds, I think you are SOL... Should have started this process at least 5 weeks ago!
  • Hayley has been dramatically sick. From puking at school to offering spectacular sound effects here at home. She is finally feeling better.
  • I live the dullest life on the face of the earth.
  • can't think of anything else.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

WELCOME 2009!!

Welcome 2009!

That last 5 years have really been the pits for me. My Mom died, my marriage ended, changes, money, goals, expectations, plans... There have been a lot of disappointments.

As 2008 was winding down I promised myself that good thing were to come and I was going to make it happen.

It was important to me to ring in the New Year not as ho-hum as I have in the past.

I succeeded!

The kids and I had a party with 3 other families and had a great time. We had not a lot of alcohol, lots of food, drinks and a TON of illegal fireworks. I am sure my neighbors hate me.

I also decided on a few resolutions.

ME the one who doesn't believe in false promises to myself.

  • I will turn off all the lights and lock ALL the doors every night before bed.
  • I will NOT keep my keys in the car, but instead bring them inside and hang them on the handy-dandy key hook.
  • I will not keep my purse in the car either.
(I live in very rural Oregon. Down a 1/4 mile driveway with 2 dogs and at least one gun)
  • We will eat dinner at the table more times each week than we eat elsewhere.
  • I will plan meals and grocery shop accordingly.
  • I will make my bed everyday. (because the bed is the biggest thing in the room, and if it is neat the rest of the room will appear to be neat. Even if it's not.)
  • I will make my kids keep their rooms clean-er. Even though they are upstairs and I really don't have to venture up there much.
  • I will find time to do something crafty at least once a week. This is important, because I feel like I am stagnating if I don't touch my creative side. I have a hard time being crafty if the rest of the house is messy.
For the most part, these are all very do-able and easy changes to make. Hopefully by posting them here I will be more accountable and be more successful!!