For me back to school marks the beginning of my shopping season. It begins in August, and doesn't end until January when the post Holiday sales end.
This month I have to buy:
Football shoes for Jacob,
Soccer shoes for Hayley,
Soccer shoes, shinguards and any other gear for Ruby.
New sneakers for school for all 3 kids.
Cute-pie dressier shoes for the girls.
Another cool pair of sneaks for Jacob (you know--so he can rotate).
New socks, and underwear for all 3 kids.
Clothing to outfit them all (WHY do they have to grow so fast?)
Yikes! I am getting excited (and a little overwhelmed) just typing it all out!
Then October brings more shopping, for Halloween costumes and a head start on Christmas so I don't get anxiety.
November brings Ruby's birthday and a LOT more Holiday shopping.
and then comes DECEMBER. For me, I have found that no matter how much I shop early for Christmas, I LOVE to be out in the hustle and bustle during the frenzied Christmas shopping season. Even if I have bought and wrapped every single gift by Dec. 1, I still need to go out and absorb the craziness at the mall.
As much as I do like to shop, by the end of January I am shopped out. AND extremely broke.
For the rest of the calendar year, I usually only buy as needed, not too many sprees and splurges. Of course, everybody always NEEDS something so there is always something I NEED to shop for, but for the most part I steer clear of the mall.
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