Sunday, February 28, 2010


At my house we are suffering from C.H.A.O.S., that is the Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome, because This. Place. Is. A. Mess.

I need some help. I make lists, I make chore charts, I prioritize what should be done and you know what happens? The bare minimum.

I need help. I would love to hire a housekeeper, but the problem with this idea is that I think my family should clear their own clutter.

Proof that I DO make them clean sometimes.

I am looking around my living room. I see: no less than 8 pairs of shoes (and 3 of them are mine!); 2 loads of clean laundry on the loveseat; breakfast dishes for 2 kids on the coffee table; magazines, mail, and homework on the end table; hair from the dog all over the carpet and upholstery, 2 laptops, pillows, games by the shelves they are supposed on and not actually on the shelves, and various other items....

Yet, here I sit. Today's plan is to clean it all up and then what? How do I get my dear children to buy into the fact that once clean it should stay relatively neat?

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