Friday, September 26, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
I'm so excited...
As I am headed up to Portland this weekend, I can't help but get excited at the prospect of
Good shopping.
Douglas County, Oregon is not known for being a shopping mecca in any way.
I get overwhelmed imagining the places to spend my money!
And then usually buy nothing.
Why is it that when I do have the time and opportunity to let loose, I just can't bring myself to buy?
You know, you always find a ton of things you want when you are broke, but when I am trying, I usually end up frustrated. (wow, i am writing in both first and third person in the same sentence--yikes!)
Anyway, my point is (yes, i do have one) I am going shopping. I am going to try to buy something, but am almost positive I will end up with next to nothing.
Weekend Plans
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Me from A to Z
A. Attached or single?
Single, sadly. B. Best friend? A few really good ones and one very best. C. Cake or pie? Cake D. Day of choice? Thursdays are golden. Something about the end of the week, with the anticipation of the weekend. E. Essential item? My cellphone F. Favorite color? red G. Gummy bears or worms? gummy bears I guess. i really prefer Jelly bellies. H. Hometown? Hillsboro, Oregon I. Indulgence? books, lip gloss, nestle quik J. January or July? definitely October K. Kids? Three of them. I wanted four, he wanted two. Three is perfect! L. Life isn’t complete without? Moments of silence M. Marriage date? December, 1993 (Divorce was March 2005) N. Number of brothers & sisters? 1 brother, but I am about to disown him because he is a schmuck. O. Oranges or apples? I'm picky. Green apples only - fresh from the tree or a Granny Smith version. Never mushy sweet ones like Red or Yellow Delicious. P. Phobias? having the phone or electricity disconnected. running out of toilet paper. Q. Quotes? "fake it 'til you make it" R. Reasons to smile? kids belly laughs, kindergarten soccer, cool mornings S. Season of choice? Autumn! T. Tag seven peeps! no way! U. Unknown fact about me? I am still friends with every guy I ever dated (I think I must be the schmuck!) V. Vegetable? Asparagus and cauliflower W. Worst habits? nagging my kids X. X-ray or ultrasound? I've had both. Y. Your favorite food? popcornZ. Zodiac sign?
I am a textbook Gemini.Friday, September 12, 2008
Things that SUCK
- The new Facebook sucks. I will continue to use the old one until I no longer have that option. And then i will probably HAVE to use the new one, but I won't ever like it.
- Laundry really sucks. Just when you feel like you are on top of it, a teen or pre-teen brings a fresh pile that just has to be washed right now!
- Being divorced sucks.
- Being trapped in Douglas county, Oregon sucks. Not that i would ever really move my children. but according to the terms of my divorce, I am bound by a 90-mile radius of my ex. That doesn't leave me many options if I even wanted to have them.
- My ex in-laws suck. Their baby boy is a lying, cheating, lazy jerk, yet I must carry on as if he is the greatest thing since grape gum because of their "status" here.
- The price of home heating oil sucks. There is no way that I will be able to afford to fill up my oil tank for this winter.
- My kids football coach sucks. If you say practice is from 4 to 6 pm, then practice should be over at 6 or close to it. Last night it was 7:40. Yeah, most families lives revolve around their Middle School son's football schedule. Thanks, we were happy to drive 15 miles just to stand around and wait, hungry for almost 2 more hours.
- People who can't follow directions suck. She is prescribed pain pills every 8 hours for a reason. To withhold because you don't think it is good to take that many is cruelty.
- Doing dishes sucks. I have never had a dishwasher in my life and i am sick of doing dishes.
- Standardized testing sucks. I am researching the opt-out option for my kids. I hate the amount of energy the school district spends on all aspects of testing.
- Parents who give up on their kids suck. I teach in alternative education and most of the time i think that the kids I have would be successful in the regular classroom if their parents would just grab a clue and get involved.
- Dating sucks. Or should I say the lack of dates sucks. The fact that I am nowhere to really meet anyone sucks. Or the fact that anyone i do meet knows my ex and likes him sucks.
- Having to worry about every dime I spend sucks.
- Seeing the signs of aging sucks. I am not old, I do not feel old. Grey hair means old. Sucks.
- Stupid over-excited, over-bearing room mothers in kindergarten suck. Lady, some of us do have jobs.
- Being played sucks. I am aware of it, I even point it out to him when he is doing it. I am still not immune to it. I hate feeling 18 and out of control.
- My bank sucks. Why do they post the highest transactions first, then putting the rest of the balance into overdraft mode. Yes, i have savings and overdraft protection both attached, but I really think this is the banking industry's way of tacking on any and all fees they can. Also, why did my deposit not get posted first? I think a phone call is in order on this one.
- The insurance industry sucks.
- Paying more for less sucks. Smaller packaging, same price--wonder if the consumer will notice? I notice!
- Guilt sucks. I feel guilty about the big things and the small things. Like when a store that i have never gone into goes out of business, even if it is a store that has nothing that I would buy in it. i still feel guilty.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
My brother and I would like to announce...
That it's on like Donkey Kong.
Have you seen this commercial?
Seriously one of the best on TV these days.
It is a follow-up to this commercial.
Every time it comes on we just crack up. We love that commercial.
It's about the only one I don't fast forward through.
And my brother and I would like to anounce "oooh, we're scared".
Here is another commercial the Mannings did to promote reading to kids that is very cute