Sunday, January 03, 2010

Happy January

This little mouse is Ruby on Halloween

It's January! The month of the year that I like to think about organization and resolutions and getting the year started on the right note.

2010 is no different.

For 2010 I resolve to:
  • Do at least one load of laundry each day. This means wash, fold and have the kids put away.
  • Plan and prepare better meals. Cereal is for breakfast.
  • Create and implement a chore list for the kids. Force them to stick with it.
  • Stick with my Motivated Moms plan.
  • And take more pictures. I only took 3 pictures total on Christmas day!

And that's it. That's as much as I can handle.

Also, I got the tree pic by turning off the flash and opening up my shutter to increase the exposure time.